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Mel Bay

First Jams: Ukulele Book/CD Set

First Jams: Ukulele Book/CD Set


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The First Jam series was created to give children and beginners of all ages a book of simple, common tunes to learn. These are standard Jam tunes in the Bluegrass/Old Time music styles. All the books in this series are written in the same keys; they can all be played together without any problems. So get your friends or family who play guitar, mandolin, banjo, ukulele, dulcimer or Dobro together, grab these books and start jamming. Improvisation: Another idea behind writing the First Jam series was to provide a number of tunes that were easy to learn, but that are also a great to begin working on improvising. Each book in the series offers the melody for that particular instrument as well as back-up chords for another instrument to accompany you. Each song is represented in Tab, notation and chord symbols. The accompanying CD has two tracks for each song. The first playing the song with the melody line, the second track offers just the backup so you can play the melody over it or even improvise. Tunes include: Cripple Creek, Old Joe Clark, Will the Circle Be Unbroken and many more.

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