Jackie Treble English Concertina Package
Jackie Treble English Concertina Package
6 fold bellows
Traditional thumb straps.
Custom accordion type steel reeds.
With custom reeds.
Gig bag
Tutor, especially written for this instrument
It teaches the basics of playing concertina, music notation, rhythm, music theory, etc.. The tutor is suitable for both self study and for use in formal lessons.
The Jackie has been developed especially for beginning players on the English concertina. Although the instruments are perfectly capable of meeting the requirements of intermediate players, we understand that many players might want to upgrade to a vintage or new instrument later on. With this in mind, we made all the important features, such as key board lay out, spacing of the keys, key diameter, key travel (the height of the keys), number of bellows folds, type of thumb straps, etc. identical to traditional English concertinas, to assure a smooth transition to a higher class concertina later on.
Sound Sample
I love it! Has a great sound. A little stiff in the bellows, but it will get better. Tutorial book is VERY good👍
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