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Lark in the Morning

Four Fish Travel Didgeridoo

Four Fish Travel Didgeridoo


Regular price $349.00
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A really delightful and playful didge, this is an extra easy player. I call it a Travel didge cuz it is one of the smallest and lightest Eucalyptus didges I have ever seen. It's short with rather small bell.
Really easy to pop off trumpets, and does a polite dropjaw at the slightest urge. It has a lot more power and volume than one would expect, given the small bell. Rather perfect for a travel didge.

I really like the fish art, all stripes, no dots. I will say that I have been staring at the fish, trying to decide if maybe I'm mistaken and they are some other reptile or animal. Nope, I just keep coming up with Fish. Just keep playing....

There is a 3" crack down at the bell end. I sealed it with beeswax after I took these pics, no further work required. The crack is likely as old as the didge, which is likely about 2 decades. Said crack will never spread further, and does not affect the playing or the tone.

This one of a half dozen didges that came from the private collection of the original owner of Lark in the Morning. He passed some years ago, and his widow is passing these on to the world. 

This didgeridoo has a fresh professional Beeswax mouthpiece made with Triple Filtered cosmetic grade beeswax from the USA. You can't leave any beeswax in a hot car without melting and loosing wax. A hot day in the sun might make it soft, but won't destroy the mouthpiece. Beeswax melts at just under 150F (65C). 

Sound sample

Here are Steve's ratings, on a scale of 1 - 10:

Ease of trumpet tones:  8
Backpressure:  8
Supports drop jaw:  6
Overall power:  7
Supports overblow:  5
Internal air space match up for sound column vs resonant chamber vs bell:  7
Ease of producing ring tone:  6
Overall quality of sound:  8





Year made Unknown
Drone tone key


Trumpet overtones:
   - 1st Ab
   - 2nd F
   - 3rd


Length  46"
Mouthpiece OD  1 7/8"
Mouthpiece ID  1 3/8"
Bell OD  6 3/8"
Bell ID  5 1/2"
Weight  4 lbs  2 oz

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